Wednesday, February 17, 2010

edunLIVE Team Makes Headway

Last week, one of our teams met with our only on-campus client - edunLIVE. Senior account executive Katie Garagozzo talks about how the meeting went:

Katie: Let me start out first by briefly introducing all of my team members. Our four person team is made up of myself, Katy Kenealy, Gini Soto, and Ellie Thodal, all PR majors who have been helping brainstorm lots of great ideas for our client this semester.

Our last meeting with edunLIVE went great, they have actually been working on an awareness event on their own in conjunction with the Zimbabwe honey project that we often see on campus, getting their name in with a series of events including honey sales and a keynote speaker.

Additionally, they have been in the process of creating more shirts to get out for sale relatively soon...I won't ruin the surprise yet, but I got a look at the drawings and they look amazing!
The first thing that we did was introduce ourselves to the new president of the club, and immediately set up a new email account for the club. With this email account, we are setting up a facebook account, a blog (look for it here on Blogger soon!) and a twitter. All of these social media sites will help edunLIVE generate more publicity for themselves, and hopefully help them network and keep in contact with future clients.

Another effort we have made was to create a new client list for edunLIVE that lists all of the clubs here on campus, their primary contacts, and a brief description of the club. My team and I are now going through the list and trying to get into contact with as many of the clubs as we can. edunLIVE offers a very valuable service that every single one of the clubs on campus can take advantage of, and we want to make sure that we begin to make our presence known.

We've come up with a few publicity ideas including creating t-shirt shaped flyers and having a hanging clothes line with a few shirts on it letting people know what edunLIVE is. We are planning a clothing drive in conjunction with the Salvation Army that will take place right after Spring Break, and a tie-dying event that will happen at keep your eyes peeled for all of our events! We are planning on getting in contact with Tom's Shoes and Invisible Children and seeing if they are available for any kind of partnerships - we thought the missions of each were very compatible with edunLIVE's and a business connection would really lend itself between each organization.

So those are all of our updates from Team edunLIVE...we will keep you updated with all of our events and planning as they happen!

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