Friday, December 11, 2009

Reflexology by Jean: THE FIRM Creates Logo, Writes Feature Story and Sponsors Event

After another successful meeting with Jean, our group is about ready to have documents completed by the end of the semester! Ashley has created a logo for Jean, Annie is working on the Gonzaga Bulletin feature story, and Karina is finishing a brochure. We invited Jean to participate in “Spa day” on campus the Sunday before finals week, where Jean will set up her “take-out” reflexology kit. Students will have an opportunity to experience a reflexology session with Jean at a discount price.

For next semester, our goal is create more documents and continue to appeal reflexology to athletes and dancers. Jean has suggested we create a formal disclaimer about reflexology on it “not being a medical treatment,” a tear-off sheet for her clients that includes information, answers questions, schedules appointments, and/or provides a disclaimer. We suggested an opportunity for Jean to be a guest author in the Inlander newspaper. She has continued to be a positive and flexible client to work with and the group is working well on schedule. We hope to see Jean at “the Spa” on Sunday, and we will send out notice about Jean through Morning Mail prior to Sunday. We will meet again after break.

Monday, November 16, 2009

GU Look Great: THE FIRM helps owner with social media

We have been keeping in contact with Tonya and have thought of a few ideas for the future. The first thing that we will work on is getting her better acquainted with the social media world. On Saturday we are going to have a meeting with Tonya to teach her how to place advertisements on Facebook as well as get login information for her site so that we can update it with pictures, stories, etc. We are also going to work on making a Twitter page for her.

Another project that we have in the works is getting GU Look Great involved in some charity work. I am hoping to connect her with Wishing Star, a non-profit organization in Spokane, so that she can do a pro-bono haircut for one of their wish candidates. If this is an option then we can also create a press release for her.

The last thing that we are working on is creating flyers to be passed out at ticket distributions for basketball games. Tonya would like to create colored hairspray and stencils for the basketball games. Stencils would say things like "GO ZAGS, GU, etc." The hairspray colors would come in blue, red and white and would cost only about a dollar or 2 to get your hair spray-painted on game days. We need to talk to Kennel Club and the Athletics department to make sure this would be OK to do on game days. If not, then maybe she could just do the spray-painting from her salon.

That's about it for now!

Monday, November 9, 2009

THE FIRM Welcomes You!

Welcome to the Official Blog for THE FIRM at Gonzaga University!

THE FIRM is Gonzaga's very own student-run public relations firm. THEFIRM facilitates pro-bono PR under PRSSA, Public Relations Student Society of America.

Specializing in all things messaging - THE FIRM provides comprehensive PR campaigns, advertising solutions and communications services to clubs at Gonzaga and businesses throughout Spokane.

Stay tuned for THE FIRM member introductions and client updates!